Hor “Kir Stefan Srbin” i dirigent Jasmina Vučurović vas srdačno pozivaju na koncert »Spomenica« kojim, uz duboko poštovanje, obeležavamo 100-godišnjicu smrti najistaknutijeg srpskog kompozitora, Stevana St. Mokranjca.
Nedelja, 7. decembar 2014. u 7 sati uveče
Eglinton St. George’s United Church
35 Lytton Blvd.Toronto ON M4R 1L2
Ulaznice za koncert možete direktno nabaviti putem interneta na stranici Ticketweb-a.
Zarada od koncerta je namenjena našem domu, crkvi Sv. Save u Torontu.
Radujemo se vašem dolasku.
Vise o horu pogledajte na njihovom web sajtu http://kirstefansrbin.ca
Jedan video sa nastupa hora
Kir Stefan the Serb Choir of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church was established in Toronto in May 2000, by V. Rev. Vasilije Tomić, Jasmina Vučurović, conductor and Nada and Milan Dimitrijević, seasoned choral singers.
The Choir responds during Holy Liturgies at St. Sava Church and has also performed in Toronto, Milton, Ottawa, Kitchener, Niagara Falls, Whitby and Hamilton in Canada, Chicago, Boston, Portland and New York in U.S.A., as well as in London, Stockholm and Belgrade in Europe.
With the blessings of His Grace Bishop of Canada Georgije, the Kir Stefan the Serb Choir has been honoured and inaugurated as the official choir of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada in 2011.
The Choir is named after the first known medieval Serbian composer Kir Stefan the Serb.
The Choir’s mission, to be the ambassador of Serbian culture, has been accomplished through many performances.